Angora (English)


A fancy breed by show class. Medium in size. Long coated and often bred for fur.


English Angora

Ring Size: E

Ideal Weight: Adult - 3.402kg, Under 5 - 2.494kg

Maximum Weight: Adult - n/a, Under 5 - n/a

White Angora

  • Wool Quality and Texture - Texture as silky as possible.
  • Wool Quantity and Length - Even and full all over and clear to the skin.
  • Front - Full and prominent on chest and sides of neck.
  • Head and Ears - Broad short head, short well woolled and tufted ears.
  • Size and Shape - Round and snowball-like. Type and quality always to be taken into account when considering weight.
  • Feet - Thickly covered with long wool, well furnished.
  • Condition - Clean, well nourished and well groomed.
  • Eyes - Ruby, bright and bold.
  • Legs - Straight and heavily woolled.
  • Tail - Large and well woolled.
  • Head - Wide across the nostrils, bold appearance, densely furred, wool to be long and thick between and behind the ears.


Narrow wedge head, long plain ears, plain feet, matted coat, coarse coat, bad condition, lop ears.

Coloured Angora

The colours of the Angora are not to be confused with any other breed standard for the short-haired varieties. Point allocation is the same as for the White Angora, except that five points each are deducted from Quality and Quantity of Wool to be allocated to colour: 10 points.

Angoras are unique in the fact they possess a multi-layered coat. The tips of each new coat are therefore darker than the previous coat, which lightens, as it gains length. This produces BANDING IN ALL COLOURS.

Rabbits should not be excessively penalised for lighter bands of the top colour appearing in the coat, but the more uniform the colour the better. WHITE BANDS are unacceptable, with the exception of the Golden, which is of yellow origin and therefore has a creamy-white band at the base of the coat.

  • Smoke – Head and feet black. Wool dark bluish-grey without white base. Tips to match head. Nose and ears to be free of silvering. Eyes blue but brown acceptable.
  • Blue – Head, feet and ears blue, as dark as possible. Wool blue without white base. Tips to match head. Ears and nose to be free of silvering. Eyes blue-grey.
  • Chocolate – Rich chocolate on head, ears, legs and tail. Body lighter shade with tips to match head. Under colour pale chocolate. Eyes to glow ruby red in subdued light, but brown eyes acceptable.
  • Lilac -
  • Golden (formerly Golden Fawn and Golden Apricot) – Head, feet and tips a rich, clear orange gold. Wool lighter with colour carried down as far as possible shading to a creamy-white base. Belly creamy-white, eyes brown.
  • Cream – Head and feet cream, wool lighter cream with tips to match the head. Creamy white belly, eyes blue-grey.
  • Sooty Fawn – Mask and feet brown-black, wool as for golden but with brown/black shadings on lower flanks and ears. Belly creamy-white, eyes brown.
  • Blue-Cream – Mask and feet blue, wool as for cream but with blue shadings on ears and flanks, with the colour extended across belly, a blue tinge to the wool and blue tipping is desirable but NOT essential. Eyes blue-grey.
  • Sable (light shade) – A medium sepia colour similar to fur breed. Ears, face and tail a deep sepia. Body wool shaded from medium sepia on back to lighter on chest and flanks. Under colour fawn. Eyes to glow ruby red in subdued light but brown eyes acceptable.
  • Sable (medium shade) – As for light sable except for dark sepia colour instead of medium. Eyes to glow ruby red in subdued light but brown eyes acceptable.
  • Sable (dark shade) – Very dark plum brown, can be almost black on mask, in place of sepia. Often mistaken for a smoke, but coat colour of dark sable has distinct rusty tones in the wool. Eyes to glow ruby red in subdued light but brown eyes acceptable.
  • Marten Sable - Light, medium, dark

Agouti Colours

  • Brown-Grey – Head, ears and feet wild grey, a mixture of black and gold. Tips to match head, wool colour to match the head with depth of colour and banding essential. Eyes brown. White belly with blue under colour.
  • Blue-Grey – Head, ears and feet a mixture of blue and cream. Tips to match head, wool colour to match the head with depth of colour and banding essential. White belly with blue under colour. Eyes blue-grey.
  • Chinchilla – Head, ears and feet similar to fur breed, a mixture of black and silver. Tips to match head, wool colour to match head with depth of colour and banding essential. White belly with blue under colour. Eyes blue, brown or brown-grey.
  • Cinnamon – Head, ears and feet a mixture of chocolate and cinnamon. Tips to match head, wool to match head with depth of colour and banding essential. White belly with or without pale cinnamon under colour. Eyes brown or glowing ruby red in subdued light.


Silvered ears and nose in smokes and blues, putty nose.

Serious Faults

White patches on any part of the body, but WHITE FLASHES ON UNDERTAIL IN AGOUTI’S are NOT a fault.
For a full run down on points for judging please purchase a copy of the standards from RCNZ via contact us or from the order form in the Bulletin