Silver Fox


Is a Normal Fur breed by show class. Medium in size. Short coated and originally bred for pelts.


Silver Fox

Ring Size D



Pale under colour, rusty shade of body colour.


Serious Faults

Silver or brindled patches other than the recognised pattern, Woolliness, Dewlap in bucks.



Yellow or any other colour tinge in white pattern

Weight Ideal
Adult buck 2.494 - 3.17kg
Adult doe 2.494 - 3.17kg
  • Type -Moderate length of body, inclined to cobbiness, slightly arched back, broad head of medium size carried on a short neck; ears of medium length in proportion to the head, carried evenly and rather broad, well-furred legs; straight and strong in bone.
  • Coat- Dense and silky in texture, length approximately 40mm, but texture and density to be of more importance than length.
  • Condition -Alert, with full glossy coat, firm in flesh and healthy. The foregoing standard applies to all colours except for the difference in their colours.
  • Colour

Black -To be an even jet-black, with under colour as dark blue as possible, extending to the skin. The chest, flanks and feet to be well and evenly ticked, with silver tipped guard hairs. Any extension of the ticking up the side and/or over the back to be considered a beauty and not a fault. The eye circles as neat as possible, a pea spot in front of the bade of each ear, inside of ears, line of jaws, underside of tail and bell all to be white, under colour permissible. Triangle behind ears to be white but as small as possible. Eyes brown or grey.

Blue - To be a medium Blue (even and sound) extending to the skin, eyes to be brown, blue or grey.

Chocolate - To be dark chocolate (even and sound), top colour to go down as far as possible, under colour to be slate; eyes to be lilac, brown, blue or grey; brown preferred.

For a full run down on points for judging please purchase a copy of the standards from RCNZ via contact us or from the order form in the Bulletin.